Are you having trouble starting conversations on Tinder? We’ve got your back! Here are five simple tips to help you get a great response every time you start a conversation on Tinder.


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Talk about something you have in common with your match

If you’re looking for ways to start a conversation on Tinder, one of the best things you can do is look for common ground with your match. This could be anything from a shared interest to a mutual friend. once you’ve found something to chat about, simply send a message and see where the conversation takes you.

Not only will this help you find things to talk about, but it also shows that you’re interested in getting to know your match better. So go ahead and give it a try – you might be surprised at how easy it is to strike up a conversation when you have something in common!

Ask an open-ended question that requires more than a yes or no answer

Once you’ve made a match on Tinder, the conversation is key. But it can often be difficult to think of a good starting point. To jumpstart the conversation, ask an open-ended question that requires more than just a yes or no answer. This will help keep the conversation flowing and give you more insight into who your match is.

Some examples of questions you can ask are: “What do you like to do when you’re not working?” or “If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?” These types of questions allow your match to open up and discuss things they’re passionate about. Additionally, make sure to use an upbeat tone when asking these questions as this will give off positive vibes and make your match feel comfortable talking to you.

Pay attention to their profile and mention something you find interesting

In the world of online dating, it can be hard to know how to start a conversation. Thankfully, Tinder provides an easy way to break the ice with potential matches. The key is to pay attention to their profile and mention something you find interesting. This will show them that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know them better. Here are five easy ways to start a conversation on Tinder: 

  1. Ask an open-ended question – A great way to start a conversation is by asking an open-ended question about their interests or hobbies. This will give them the opportunity to share more information about themselves and it shows that you’re interested in learning more. 

  1. Comment on something in their bio – If your match has included information about themselves in their profile, commenting on something specific can be a great way to start a conversation. Make sure it’s something positive that you found interesting rather than something critical or judgmental. 

  1. Compliment them – Everyone loves compliments! If there’s something specific from their profile that you appreciate, let them know! It could be anything from a funny joke they made, or even just a really nice picture of them. 

  1. Reference a shared interest – If you share an interest with your match, use it as an opportunity to start up a conversation! Ask them questions about what they like about the shared interest and see where the conversation takes you. 

  1. Use tonality – Tonality is persuasive, so don’t be afraid to add some humor and personality into your message! Being playful shows that you’re relaxed and confident, which can make all the difference when trying to make a good first impression with someone new.

Make a lighthearted comment or joke

No one wants to be on Tinder forever. The goal is to start a conversation and eventually meet up in person. But sometimes it feels like everyone you match with is a total blank slate. So how do you break the ice?

One easy way is to make a lighthearted comment or joke. If you can make your match laugh, they’re more likely to want to talk to you. And who knows, maybe you’ll have something in common! Here are a few examples:

“I’m not sure if this is Tinder or an audition for The Bachelor.”

“So what do you do for a living? I’m a professional swiper.”

“Are you my soulmate?”

Compliment them

One of the best ways to start a conversation on Tinder is by complimenting your match. Whether it’s something as simple as “you have great taste in music” or a more specific compliment about their profile, this is a great way to break the ice and start a conversation.

Another easy way to start a conversation on Tinder is by asking a question. This can be anything from “what’s your favorite movie?” to “what are you looking for on Tinder?”. Asking a question shows that you’re interested in getting to know your match, and it can help to break the ice and start a conversation.

 yet another easy way to start a conversation on Tinder is by simply saying “hi”. This might seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes the simplest approach is the best approach. Saying hi is friendly and non-threatening, and it can help to start a conversation.

One more easy way to start a conversation on Tinder is by commenting on something in their profile. This could be anything from their photos to their bio. If you see something that interests you, make a comment about it and use it as a way to start a conversation.

Finally, one of the easiest ways to start a conversation on Tinder is by sending a GIF. GIFs are fun and playful, and they can help to break the ice and start a conversation. Plus, they’re just plain ol’ fun.