You’ve finally matched with that special someone on Badoo. But now what? How do you start a conversation that will lead to a date? We have some tips for you!


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What To Do On Badoo:

-Pay attention to your match’s profile. This will give you something to talk about right off the bat.

-Ask open-ended questions. This will encourage your match to keep talking.

-Be genuine and friendly. Nobody wants to talk to someone who seems robotic or fake, so make sure you come across as a real person.

-Avoid controversial topics. You don’t want to scare your match off by talking about polarizing subjects. Stick to safe topics like TV shows, movies, and music.

-End on a high note. Thank your match for their time and let them know you hope to talk again soon.

Why you should start a conversation on Badoo

Badoo is a great way to meet new people, and it’s even better if you start a conversation! Here are some reasons why you should start a conversation on Badoo:

  1. You never know who you’ll meet – Badoo is a great way to meet new people, and you never know who you might meet! There’s no harm in starting a conversation, so why not give it a try?

  1. It’s easy to start a conversation on Badoo – All you need to do is send a message to someone you’re interested in. No need for small talk or anything else, just say hi and see where the conversation goes!

  1. You might make a new friend – Starting a conversation on Badoo could lead to making a new friend! And what could be better than that?

So go ahead and start a conversation on Badoo today – you never know where it might lead!

How to start a conversation on Badoo

When starting a conversation on Badoo, it is important to pay attention to the tonality of your words. A friendly, lighthearted attitude can often be much more successful than a serious one. It is also essential to remain positive and upbeat. Even if you are making small talk, such as asking about the weather, be sure to smile and keep things light. This will show that you are confident in yourself and will make the other person more comfortable.

It is also important to remember that it is ok to ask questions! Asking questions shows that you are interested in the other person and encourages them to open up and share with you. However, be careful not to bombard them with too many questions; this can make them feel overwhelmed or put off. 

It can also be helpful to have some topics prepared before starting the conversation. Having an idea of what kind of conversation you would like to have will help ensure that it flows smoothly. For instance, if you both like music, then talking about favorite bands or concerts can be a great way to get the conversation going. 

Finally, remember to stay away from potentially contentious topics such as religion or politics. While these may be interesting subjects for discussion, they can also lead to arguments or hurt feelings which is not conducive for building relationships on Badoo. Keep conversations lighthearted and fun in order to make sure that everyone involved has a good time!

What to say in a conversation on Badoo

When you start a conversation on Badoo, it’s important to get the tone right. You want to be friendly and approachable, but not overly familiar or aggressive. Here are some tips for starting a conversation in the best way:

  1. Ask an open-ended question. Open-ended questions are great for breaking the ice and getting the conversation going on Badoo. Ask them something like “What do you like to do in your free time?” or “What has been the highlight of your day so far?” This will give them a chance to share something about themselves and open up the conversation. 

  1. Compliment them. A simple compliment can go a long way when it comes to starting a conversation on Badoo. Something like “You look so stylish in that photo” or “I love your sense of humor” will make them feel good and show that you’re interested in getting to know them better. 

  1. Show interest in their interests. Most people have their interests listed on their profile, so take some time to look through theirs before you start talking to them. If they mention something interesting, ask them more questions about it! People love talking about things that they’re passionate about, so showing genuine interest is a great way to start a conversation on Badoo. 

  1. Be lighthearted and humorous. Starting off with a funny comment or joke can help set the tone for the entire conversation, so don’t be afraid to be lighthearted and silly! Just make sure it’s appropriate for the situation and isn’t too over-the-top or offensive. 

These are just a few tips for starting off conversations on Badoo in an engaging and positive way! With these tips, you should have no problem making meaningful connections with other users on this popular dating platform!

What not to say in a conversation on Badoo

When it comes to starting a conversation on Badoo, it’s important to keep in mind that you will be judged based on your words. It is essential that you come across as friendly, personable and sincere. To do this, there are some things you should avoid saying in your conversation. 

First and foremost, avoid using any form of negative language or being overly critical. This can come across as aggressive and off-putting, which is not the impression you want to give. Additionally, don’t be overly sexual or flirtatious. It may seem like harmless flirting but it can actually make the other person feel uncomfortable and put them off talking to you altogether.

In addition, refrain from making any assumptions or generalizations about the other person. These kinds of comments can sound judgmental or even insulting. Instead of making assumptions, ask open-ended questions and get to know the other person better before making any statements about them. 

Finally, try to keep the conversation light and positive. Don’t bring up any heavy topics such as religion or politics as this could easily derail the conversation and make the other person feel uncomfortable. Stick to more casual topics such as hobbies or interests and focus on having a genuine exchange with the other person rather than trying to impress them with your knowledge or wit. 

At the end of the day, starting a conversation on Badoo should be an enjoyable experience for both parties involved. By following these tips, you can ensure that your conversations are friendly, respectful, and meaningful – no matter who you’re talking to!

How to keep a conversation going on Badoo

Once you’ve made the connection, it’s time to start a conversation. One of the best ways to keep a conversation going on Badoo is to make sure the tonality of your messages is persuasive. This means that you should stay away from typical “hi how are you?” type of conversations and instead try to find something interesting about them that you can talk about. The key is to ask questions that require more than just a yes or no answer and also try to make your conversation lighthearted and fun.

Another important tip for keeping conversations going on Badoo is to use gifs, stickers, and other playful elements in your messages. This will not only make it more fun for both of you but also make it easier to break the ice and get a better understanding of each other’s personalities.

Finally, don’t be hesitant about sending follow up messages if there’s been some time since your last exchange. You can simply check in with them by asking how they are doing or what they have been up to recently. This will show that you care and are interested in getting to know them better!