So you want to know how to flirt with a guy, do you? Well, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll tell you all the do’s and don’ts of flirting with a guy so that you can get the guy of your dreams!


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How To Flirt With A Guy – Introduction 

Flirting with a guy can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to know the do’s and don’ts before you start. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your flirting:


– Smile and make eye contact. This is one of the most important things you can do when flirting with a guy. Smiling shows that you’re interested and making eye contact lets him know that you’re interested in what he has to say.

– Use body language. Body language is a great way to let a guy know you’re interested in him. Lean in when he’s talking, touch his arm or shoulder, and mirror his body language.

– Compliment him. Compliments are always appreciated, but make sure they’re genuine and specific. For example, instead of saying “you’re hot,” try something like “I love your sense of style.”

– Be playful. Tease him, make jokes, and challenge him in a friendly way. This will keep things light and fun while still letting him know you’re interested.


– Play hard to get. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when flirting with a guy. If you seem uninterested or disinterested, he’s likely to move on.

– Be negative. No one wants to be around someone who’s always complaining or down on themselves. Keep things positive and he’ll be more likely to be interested in you.

– Get too personal. When you first start flirting with a guy, it’s important to keep things light and fun. Avoid getting too personal or asking too many questions about his life. You can save that for later when you know each other better.

– Be clingy or needy. No one likes to feel like they’re being smothered, so avoid being overly clingy or needy when flirting with a guy. Give him space and let him come to you if he’s interested.

What is flirting? 

Flirting is a subtle art, and one that takes practice to perfect. But with time and practice, you’ll learn how to flirt with a guy in no time! Here are some tips to get you started:

-Be confident: It’s important to be confident when flirting with a guy. If you seem shy or unsure, he might not take you seriously.

-Make eye contact: When making eye contact with a guy you’re interested in, don’t look away too quickly. Hold his gaze for a few seconds before looking away. This subtle gesture will let him know that you’re interested in him.

-Smile: A smile is always a great way to start a conversation with a guy you’re interested in. It’s friendly and approachable, and it will make him more likely to want to come talk to you.

-Be yourself: The most important thing when flirting with a guy is to be yourself. Don’t try too hard or be someone you’re not just to impress him. If he likes you for who you are, then that’s all that matters!

When it comes to flirting with a guy, there are certain do’s and don’ts that you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to remember that tonality is everything. The way you say something can be just as important as the words themselves. So, if you’re trying to flirt with a guy, make sure your tone is flirty and fun.

Another important thing to keep in mind when flirting with a guy is body language. Be sure to keep your body language open and inviting. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, and instead, lean in towards the person you’re flirting with. This will let them know that you’re interested and open to talking.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun! Flirting should be lighthearted and fun, so make sure you’re enjoying yourself. If you’re not having fun, chances are the guy you’re flirting with isn’t either. So relax, be yourself, and enjoy the process.

The do’s of flirting with a guy 

How To Flirt With A Guy – The don’ts of flirting with a guy 

If you’re trying to flirt with a guy, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, don’t be too aggressive or forward. Flirting is all about subtlety and implication, so if you come on too strong, he’s likely to back away quickly. Second, don’t be overly sexual or suggestive. Again, subtlety is key here – if you start making overtly sexual comments or gestures, he’s going to think you’re just after one thing and that probably won’t end well. Third, don’t be overly obvious about it. If you’re trying to flirt with a guy, don’t make it obvious that you’re doing so – try to act as naturally as possible so that he doesn’t feel like you’re putting on an act. And finally, don’t be too shy or coy. If you’re trying to flirt with a guy, don’t act like you don’t want to – be upfront about your intentions and let him know that you’re interested in him. With those guidelines in mind, you should be able to successfully flirt with any guy!

How To Flirt With A Guy – Conclusion

If you want to flirt with a guy, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, don’t be too aggressive. Flirting is all about subtlety and nuance, so if you come on too strong, you’ll scare him off. Second, be yourself. If you try to be someone you’re not, he’ll see through it immediately. Third, have fun! Flirting is a game, so enjoy it!